Wednesday, January 11, 2012


What kind of organization is WTO, and why some people in the world, including Islam students, hate it?

Write a short comment: approximately 100 words.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Asking and informing

Asking and informing

1.1. How can I get to Brighton using public transport?
1.2. Can I book some cheap accommodation?
1.3. Are there any tourist attractions in Brighton?

2.1. Where is the nearest swimming pool?
2.2. What time is it open ?
2.3. How much is a ticket for a student?

3.1. Where is the flat exactly?
3.2. Is the flat furnished?
3.3. How much is the rent per month?

4.1.The nearest PKO bank is in Minska street.
4.2. The best place to do everyday shopping is Biedronka.
4.3. In most places you can but there you can’t.

5.1. The best time for me is between Christmas and The New Year.
5.2. How long are you going to stay in Poland?
5.3. The temperature can drop below zero so take warm clothes and boots.

6.1. What kind of rooms have you got? (single and double only)
6.2. How much is a double room with a shower per night?
6.3. Are there any additional services (facilities) in your hotel?

7.1. I can use computer, update websites and make presentations.
7.2. I’m interested in your offer because I’d like to be part of your team.
7.3. Basically I’m hard-working, honest and like to learn new things.

8.1. I’m XYZ, I’ve got a ticket for this Saturday at 5.
8.2. Are there any vacancies for the earliest possible flights to Poland?
8.3. Perfect, please book me that flight.

9.1. Where can I see your famous collection of Greek sculptures?
9.1. Is it allowed to take pictures in the museum?
9.3. Can I buy any souvenirs in the museum?

10.1. Where are you from? (Where do you come from?)
10.2. What do you do for a living?
10.3. How long are you going to stay in Poland?

11.1. What seaside resort can you recommend?
11.2. How much is a three-day trip to XYZ?
11.3. What is included in the price?

12.1. What is on at the cinema this weekend?
12.2. What time does Saw3D start on Saturday?
12.3. How much is a ticket?

13.1. What can I do in my free time?
13.2. Are we going to do some sightseeing in London?
13.3. Where can we do our shopping the cheapest way?

14.1. The best bus to get to the railway station is number 166.
14.2. It depends on the traffic but not less than 30 minutes.
14.3. The bus ticket costs less than 3 zloty.

15.1. Where can I find The War of The Worlds?
15.2. How much is paperback and hard cover?
15.3. Can I pay by credit card?

16.1. What time does your flight arrive ( plane land)?
16.2. How can I recognize you?
16.3. In case we get lost let’s meet at LOT office.

17.1. How much is a two-week English course?
17.2. What days do courses start during summer holidays?
17.3. What kind of accommodation do you offer?

18.1. My main purpose of my visit is to learn English.
18.2. I’m going to live with my friends in London.
18.3. I’ve got $500 cash and travel checks for $2000.

19.1. How did you travel?
19.2. Where did you stay?
19.3. How did you spend your time?

20.1. How can I get to London by train?
20.2. How long does it take to get to London?
20.3. Is it possible to have a warm meal on the train?

21.1. What time are the meals (breakfast and dinner)?
21.2. Can I use the Internet and watch television?
21.3. What time should I be back home in the evening?

22.1. How many students are there in a group?
22.2. How many classes are there in a week?
22.3. Is there an exam in the end of the course?

23.1. What time is the museum open?
23.2. How much is the ticket?
23.3. How can I get to the museum by bus or tram?

24.1. I’m from Poland. It’s an almost 40 million people country in Europe.
24.2. I’ve chosen this course because it was recommended by my teacher.
24.3. I’m interested in hip-hop music and martial arts.

25.1. You seem to be upset. What is the reason?
25.2. Would you like me to help you in any way?
25.3. Still the best for you is to try to relax and rest for a while.

26.1. I’ve got temperature and terrible headache.
26.2. Could you give me some medicine?
26.3. How should I take these tablets and syrup?

27.1. How long are you staying in Poland?
27.2. What are your first impressions from Poland?
27.3. What are your plans for the nearest days?

28.1. Can I try this autumn coat on?
28.2. Where is the fitting (changing) room?
28.3. What fabric is it made of?

29.1. I’m looking for a black leather bag with a white zip. I lost it on the subway train.
29.2. Has anybody by any chance brought it to you?
29.3. In case somebody brought it back please call me at 111666111.

30.1. I think I’m lost. I can’t find my way back to my hotel.
30.2. Could you show me where are we now and where my hotel is on the map?
30.3. How can I get back to my hotel?

31.1. Can you repair the engine of my car?
31.2. How long is it going to take?
31.3. Where can I stay while you are repairing my car?

32.1. I’ve had this toothache since yesterday evening.
32.2. Could I make an appointment tonight?
32.3. Is my insurance going to cover the expences?

33.1. I didn’t manage to come because my landlady didn’t leave me the key.
33.2. Was everybody enjoying the party?
33.3. What were the special attractions of the evening?

34.1. Do you serve any vegetarian dishes?
34.2. How long am I going to wait for the ordered meal?
34.3. What salad do you recommend?

35.1. I’m feverish, sweating all over and I feel dizzy.
35.2. Do I have to stay in bed?
35.3. How long will I have to take these medicines?

36.1. I’m XYZ, I’m 19. I’m from Warsaw, Poland.
36.2. I want to be better at English to get a better job.
36.3. My English teacher has recommended this school for me.

37.1. How much is to put four adults through the night at your campsite?
37.2. What sanitary facilities are available at the campsite?
37.3. Is there a possibility to rent some sports equipment?

38.1. We have English classes from 9 to 12 then 2 hours lunch break and afternoon classes till 5.
38.2. Our class teacher is nice and you can contact her any time at 111666111.
38.3. In our free time we usually meet at the New Moon pub.

39.1. Have you got any vacancies?
39.2. Are the meals included in the price?
39.3. How far is the hotel from the beach?

40.1. What plays are on the stage today?
40.2. What time do the performances begin?
40.3. Are there any discounts for foreign students?

41.1. The advertised flat is at 101 Marszalkowska street.
41.2. It’s fully furnished, has fitted kitchen and luxury bathroom.
41.3. The monthly rent is 3000 paid 3 months in advance.

42.1. I’m holding a party this Saturday at 8 o’clock.
42.2. The party is at my place at 101 Marszalkowska street.
42.3. You can get there taking underground to Swietokrzyska station.

43.1. There is a broken zip in a sweatshirt I bought here yesterday.
43.2. Here is the receipt I was given when I was buying it.
43.3. Can you exchange the damaged one for a new one the same size and colour?

44.1. How much is sending a parcel via airmail?
44.2. How long does it take to get the addressee?
44.3. Is there a cheaper way to send the parcel to Poland?

45.1. You are going to live with a host family, go along with your partner to Polish school, after a week you are going for a trip around Poland.
45.2. Breakfast is served from 7 to 9, lunch from 1 to 2 and dinner from 6 to 8.
45.3. Here is the city plan, you are living right here and the school is over there.

46.1. What places are you going to visit in Poland?
46.2. In my opinion you should certainly visit Cracow and Zakopane. I’m sure you won’t regret it.
46.3. You can get there easily by train from Warsaw.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Our new project aims at development of reading comprehension skills via translating difficult words and expressions of the original literature version into simple language.

This way our pre-intermediate students will be able to aquire new vocabulary and enjoy famous English and American novels at the same time.

To start strong we've chosen H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds.

Students divide each chapter into short paragraphs and prepare glossaries to them.

They sign their posts starting with the chapter number then the number of the paragraph folowed by three first letters of their surnames and their class number.

For example: ch1p3kow1ad means: chapter 1 paragraph 3 Jan Kowalski class 1ad

Deadline for chapter 1 and 2 is set for: Oct 15 2010

We do invite teachers from other schools to join in, so our library will grow faster and enhance public domain.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cancun, Mexico Preliminary Mock Conference

The agreement reached by delegations on the 18th of December 2009 in C(H)openhagen seems not to be adequate, on the other hand such agreements require deep sense of solidarity among all nations of the world and so are difficult to accept by rich countries, cause they mean spending a lot of money to help developing countries.
Our Mock Conference aims at presenting various points of view on the issue by taking side of different parties representing countries.
Write a short speech presenting statement of "your" country. Prepare for the plenary discussion.

Monday, November 30, 2009

European Union Future

Assignment for students.
Is Lisbon treaty going to be effective?
Write 3 short paragraphs, each about 30 – 40 words describing your view of European Union in future.
A. in 5 years
B. in 20 years and
C. in 50 years of time.
Sign using three first letters of your surname followed by your class (1b, 3g etc.)
for example kow1b

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My name is Marek Kozub and I,m a teacher at General Jasinski High School in Warsaw, Poland. Our country is the size of an average state in the USA and its population is less than 40 million. In the South we have mountains and in the North the Baltic (Celtic - white) Sea. After regaining our full independence and becoming a democracy in 1989 we joined European Union in 2005. Warsaw is roughly the size of San Diego.
I asked my students to pursue Elika Dagestan project and write on one of the following topics.

  1. Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community, or school - and tell your audience how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
  2. Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.
  3. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
  4. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.
  5. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.
  6. Tell your audience about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution, or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?